Friday, January 8, 2010

Northwoods calling

Ah Eagle River, Chewamagon, and Nicolet National Forest.
It has been our dream to live up there instead of just vacation there. "Make no small plans..." Louis Sullivan-chicago architect. No we are not going to build a skyscraper. There are two openings!!! I am trying not to hyperventilate.

Sooner than we thought
But our dream may come to pass sooner than we thought. Are we ready? I think we are. Can we really do this? God likes Irony--min Geselle's sermon title last week. -- and this opportunity drops in our lap. EEEK. This is exciting and scary. Do we have courage enough to "see the hill, take the hill?" As my military parents used to say.

Dare we?
Dare we leave while the girls do their senior year? We only see them on weekends now because they are soooo busy-- and quite a few weekends they are also busy. We could come down out of the Great North and visit about 2-3 times a month--it is a 5 hour drive door to door. If not now-when? While we are still young enough to enjoy it? Is this an opportunity we should seize? Our youngest could start HS there-she is failing at school down here-- what is there to loose-- and everything to gain!!!

Leaving the Abyss of the Corn
Stay tuned as we wrestle with this. We just found out about this opening yesterday.
In the mean time-- we stay here in the Abyss of the Corn and try to live our faith in the midst of meanness..
Zena would love the North....

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