Saturday, September 26, 2015

The trick is to not drink the Poison

4th Full week of classes
1st 2 weeks were only 4 days

Saturday morning post shower, dogs having a barking festival at the bay window in the dining room, receiving a B (large terrifying chord) on my Management of Health Care Facilities class.  EEK.  I have not ever gotten a B a Stephens. Thankfully my proff will allow me to redo the part I obviously didn't understand.  My lack of experience in the HealthCare field is glaringly apparent.

This the function of the madness of my job. I have only so much time when I am lucid.  I have negligible experience in Healthcare. There are gaps in my background.
Everyday, I try to see Jesus going a few steps ahead of me.

The reality of schools is still the same as I have always known it to be. I was optimistic that there might be different attitudes in play since 1981 when I graduated.
 Sadly, there is still no positive reinforcement for teachers.  There is no belief in each other and the building up of one another, only jealousy and back stabbing. I have received no encouragement only correction.

It is parallel in the non-school world I think. I am taught that positive reinforcement is much more powerful than negative-- in both disciplines-- education and business.  That negative reinforcement corrects faster but also decays faster.  That positive reinforcement takes longer but has longevity.

This is the point of madness:
 If you are in charge, and expected to manage benevolently, but you yourself are managed negatively with swift and severe methods, along with subterfuge and gossip --of course you tend to "pass on the love."
The trick is to not drink the poison. Seems easy. But to recognize the poison--it is not always apparent- is tricky.

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