Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hazy with a chance of swimming???

Tuesday and Jocelyn

is waiting for the bus to take her to Wausau.   I miss her and will be so glad to see her!  Tonight Daphne goes on an adventure to visit her friends in Connecticut!  I am simply here, doing my coding and trying not to get too upset about politics and the town gossip mill. 

It's a bit hot here. No AC, but most days I can keep the house at under 75.  Today with a high dewpoint of 70--it's a 90 that really feels like 95 outside and I've managed to keep the house hovering at 80.  It is like life in a windtunnel at times while the behemoth fan sends air galloping up the basement steps.  It does help that the forest looms on 2 sides of the house.    These are very tall trees.  My study nook in the SE corner is the coolest part of the house all day.  I have cross ventilation from from two windows and the shade of the pines.   The sun is on the deck at noon, but the trees are shady.  The hottest place is the garage.  It  has the NW  and NE corners, which is great. 
Lunch was cold things.  Dan made soup (!!!???!!!) ate and promptly felt sick.  I just ate cold things.  Iced-coffee in hand I will attempt further homekeeping activities.  The clutter here, just mounts until I go on the warpath.
When Dan comes home, we are going for a dip in Crystal Lake--sigh.  That can't happen soon enough.