Church in the morning after today's outdoor wedding (rain miraculously absent), rehearsal last night (after a 6 hour drive), funeral Monday and 3 more funerals in July (so far). EEK
We had a great 3 days on Washington Island, with travel on Monday and Friday including a 30 minute ferry ride each way. I worked on my coding assignments at Cedar Lodge amongst the territory tussles of really aggressive red-winged black birds (were in league with the mosquitos). Two nights of campfires (after coding) in the company of pastors attending the forum to hear Brian McClaren. We rented an apartment that had a kitchen with a GAS STOVE!!!! I really miss cooking with gas. Visited a lavender plantation (after coding more), really like the lavender gelato and was a
AMAZED by lily pads and
and met up with old friends. Still coding